“Unfortunately, the difficulty Lee had in accessing completely legal care is all too familiar for people who’ve had abortions. But despite the upsetting and dangerous barriers, she’s confident in her decision and feels positively about it and the future it’s afforded her. ‘Since my abortion, I made a cross-country move to California and got a job that I love, helping young people. If I hadn’t had my abortion, I wouldn’t have been able to take that leap of faith and pursue my dreams. I am certain of that,’ says Lee. ‘That single decision, that I am so affirmed in and empowered by, allowed me to alter the course of my life! Abortions aren’t something to be ashamed of, and they shouldn’t be framed as a last resort only–abortion is a completely normal and healthy option for anyone. I wish people understood that everyone loves someone who has had an abortion, and the way we talk about abortion should reflect that.'”